Sello Gobierno Canarias

Legal notice

Identifying details:

The following information is provided in compliance with the duty to inform set out in article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July governing information society and electronic commerce services:

This web site is the property of CLECE VITAM S.A. (hereinafter “the Company”), with registered address at Avda. de Manoteras 46, 2º (28050-Madrid), with company tax code: A-87045456, entered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid in tome 32.302 folio 190, sheet M-581449, inscription 1.

Email contact:


Anyone accessing and/or using the web site (hereinafter “the Web Site”) is considered a USER, who by accessing and/or using said portals accepts the General Conditions of Use established herein. Said conditions shall apply regardless of any Specific Conditions that govern the use of the Web Site or the services linked to the same, as appropriate. The web site service is provided free of charge.

When the USER registers and supplies personal data in order to access any of the specific services, the provisions of the section on Security and Protection of Personal Data shall apply to the gathering and treatment of the USER’s personal data.

User obligations:

The simple accessing, navigation and use of the Web Site entails and assumes the User accepts the current Legal Notice published and available at all times.

The Web Site provides access to a wide range of online information, services, programs and data (hereinafter “content”) belonging to the Company or its licensees that may be accessed by the USER.

The USER assumes all liability for the use made of the PORTAL, including registering to access specific services or content. When registering, it is the USER’s responsibility to provide true and lawful information. As part of the registration process, the USER agrees to make diligent and confidential use of the password provided.

The USER agrees to use the contents and services provided by the Company on its website appropriately, including but not limited to not using them to (i) engage in activities that may be unlawful, illegal or contravene good faith and public order; (ii) add content or propaganda that may be construed as racist, xenophobic, pornographic/illegal, justifying terrorism or undermining human rights; (iii) damage the physical and logical systems of the Web Site and its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause damage as set out above; (iv) attempt to access and/or use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

The Company reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that violate respect for people’s dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threaten youngsters or children, public order or safety, or which are deemed to be unsuitable for publication.

Under no circumstances shall the Company be held responsible for the opinions expressed by users in the forums, messages or any other method of participation.

Intellectual and industrial property:

The Company, whether acting on its own behalf or as assignee, owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its websites, as well as the elements contained therein (including images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, brands or logos, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for it to run, access and use, etc.).

The user agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial Property Rights of the Company. The accessing, navigation, use, storage or download of content by the user of the web site shall grant no property rights over the same.

As a consequence, use of the web site content by the user shall be for private purposes, provided this does not infringe copyright or any other right of the Company. The private copy authorisation does not imply the concession to the user of any licence or right to exploit anything whatsoever.

Exclusion of guarantees and liability:

The company has taken all necessary measures available to it given the current state of technology in order to guarantee the functioning of its Web Site and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other components that may be damaging to Users.

The User must be aware that communications through open networks are exposed to a plurality of threats that mean that they are not secure. It is the User’s responsibility to adopt all appropriate technical measures to reasonably control these threats, and amongst others, to have up to date malicious software detection systems, that detect viruses, Trojans etc. They must also apply security patches for the corresponding web browsers.

Under no circumstances shall the Company be held responsible for any harm or damage that may occur.

The company does not guarantee availability, maintenance and the effective functioning of its Web Site and/or its services. However, it shall make its best efforts to ensure that the Web Site is accessible and fully functioning at all times.

Use of cookies:

The Company Web Site uses cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of anyone who accesses the page) in order to ensure correct Web Site function and visualisation for the user and also to gather statistics. For more information on this, please read our Cookies Policy.


Links found on our web site may direct the user to third party web site content. The purpose of these links is solely to facilitate a search for resources through the internet that may be of interest.

The Company assumes no liability for the content, information or services that may appear in said sites, and that are exclusively for information purposes and that under no circumstances imply any relationship between the Company and the persons or entities that own such content or the owners of the sites where these are found. 

Links to the Company web sites must respect the following conditions:

General considerations:

The Company shall pursue all failures to comply with these conditions and any undue use of its websites, taking any civil and criminal actions to which it has right in law

Modification and duration of these conditions

The Company reserves the right to make any modification to its web site it deems appropriate, at any time, and without prior notification.

The Company may modify the conditions contained herein at any time, which shall be duly published as they appear herein. The cited conditions remain valid for the period during which they are displayed, and until they are modified in full or partially and the modifications are published on the web site, at which point they cease to be valid.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The relationship between the Company and the USER is governed by existing Spanish legislation and any disputes shall be subject to the courts and tribunals with jurisdiction in the geographic area of the Company owning the website, and the user expressly waives the right to any other jurisdiction that may apply.